Member-only story
Enter Gary Vaynerchuk.
I was watching an Instagram video of Gary, in which he was addressing a young entrepreneur about patience. The kid stressed that he keeps failing to reach his goals and Gary nonchalantly responds, “you put a time limit on it.”
And that response, as eloquent as it came out, was the only thing I needed to hear.
As the kid continued explaining his woes, Gary came back to the same point. Although the kid wanted advice, he was reluctant to meet Gary eye to eye about his previous comment. He mildly agreed that it was a good point but hesitated to fully internalize the amazing gem that it was.
I, for one, was shocked throughout this interaction because I’m thinking to myself, that’s it! I have been beating myself up for not reaching my goals too.
I can relate.
I can definitely relate to the pain that comes with constant nagging, especially when it comes from inside of you. It’s like there is a part of you who never, ever, takes you seriously. And sometimes, when you have the courage to want to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, that voice comes back again, only to sigh “oh, it’s you again.”
And for Gary to summarize an agonizing feeling in such few words was, at first, a hard jab…