Celebrate those courageous souls who start their own businesses

3 min readMar 23, 2020

Especially those whom you call friends

Photo by James Pond on Unsplash

It’s been a long dream of mine, and it has finally come into reality.

Just today, on this gorgeous Sunday afternoon, I filed official papers to register my new LLC. It was a gratifying feeling and it made me feel like I overcame a huge barrier.

My sister on the other hand, amused, was confused with the excitement. She is reluctant when it comes to things like these, mainly because she has followed the straight and narrow for much of her life.

She neither opposed my efforts nor fully supported them. She sat in that middle ground full of hesitation.

Unfortunately, that reaction is something I have grown to anticipate.

Nowadays people really struggle to find enthusiasm for other people. It feels like asking someone to be excited for you is a chore.

It’s a phenomenon that makes me question my optimism.

For a long time, I assumed that folks enjoyed seeing others succeed. It was an assumption that I felt like was a universal law. You know, one of those things that everyone knows about but can’t really articulate.

In fact, I believed that those same folks would go out of their way to support and further…




I write about holistic growth and trading futures. You can find more on my substack as well @ https://simpletrading.substack.com